Tuesday, January 28, 2020

School life Essay Example for Free

School life Essay Nicholas Nickelby written in 1838 by Charles Dickens explores the life of a young school assistant at Dotheboys Hall and gradually explains how disgusted he felt. Laurie Lee later wrote an imaginary autobiography Cider with Rosie which is not just a factual account of the authors life but also accounts of events and incidents. This reflected school life in a different, vivid approach because you got his personal opinion. Obviously, both authors would show differences mainly due to the difference in time. Both Dickens and Lee were born in different eras therefore studied at school at different times. Not only was time a major difference, but the types of texts written; Dickens wrote a novel and Lee an autobiography and taking into consideration-originality. Cider with Rosie and Nicholas Nickleby both are diverse because they are written by different authors but Lees diversity is shown mainly by it being first person, yet everyone has their own style of writing. Nicholas cared about the other children but Laurie just cared only about himself. He did not hate school because of schoolwork but because he did not have to do any, which was contradictory compared Laurie. School life portrayed differently considering the eras of their birth therefore having an age gap and attending school at a contrasting period. Charles Dickenss educational system from early nineteenth (1812 -1870) ran differently relating to Laurie Lee during later twentieth century (1914-1997), is a significant difference. Buildings in Nicholas Nickleby were described as bare and dirty and the ceiling supported like that of a barn. The inside would be cold consisting of rickety furniture; whish suggests that the school was poorly built possibly due to lack of money. Nicholas being accustomed to poverty (by the unfortunate speculations of his father) had taught him to make his own way into the world; he may have found the school conditions familiar. Long ago, schools and the educational systems were not considered as a priority; consequently, no effort was made to improve them. There is hardly any mention of the exterior of the building or the surrounding environment. In Cider with Rosie, it is complete reverse; the issue is different. At the beginning, there are a few pages with a description of the natural environment like the valley, which consists of twenty to thirty houses made from Cotswold stone. Most of the surroundings are clarified at the beginning. There is more mention of the background and seasons compared to the buildings themselves. The houses ooze over the hills like thick layers of lava. There is mention of a Big Room which Laurie moves into; from becoming an indolent child to adult and tough that justifies his growth during school; from primary to secondary school. There is one distinctive difference and that is that in both tales; there is no real reference to buildings. Remembering that though, the earlier in time the worse the buildings were, the authors chose not to elaborate on this. Another difference is that there was increasing description of the countryside in Cider with Rosie that now may think he is boasting about the beauty of his hometown. The similarity is that there is not enough description about the interior of the classrooms. Charles Dickens vividly describes the teachers as rude people who liked mistreating the children please sir, hes weeding the garden. Mr. Squeers who is the head and most monstrous of the school alongside his wife is violent and negligent claiming he will take the skins off their backs he would even cane them if they did not behave. At one moment in time, he shows cruelty towards the children because when they receive some post from their families he reads it himself and judging form the messages received, were happy to get rid of their charges, and the news was simply a further addition to their misery. The teachers did not encourage the pupils to study and preferred then to weed the garden and clean the parlour windows. In Cider with Rosie, a dame teacher taught with a sixteen-year-old female assistant, similar to Nicholass case except Nicholas was the assistant. During the story the teacher Crabby. B has a nervous breakdown saying, I wont have it! when the children would not sit down! They soon found a replacement teacher Miss. Wardly from Birmingham. Lee describes her as having loose but stronger reins sharp-tongued, but patient enough. She wanted then to learn, so she encouraged them to and even wistfully wished her students good luck when they grew up and left. A further comparison in Cider with Rosie the children were not as well disciplined because they drove their teacher insane. The children in Nicholas Nickleby would not even dare treat their teacher with disrespect because they knew they could loose everything they had. However, in the twentieth century (Lees era) punishment and using the cane was illegal. There are people/characters in Nicholas Nickelby such a boy called Smike who is a half-witted inmate of Squeerss establishment who is treated like a slave. He is the oldest and does not have to do any schoolwork but is treated worse to the rest because at one time, he received a box on the ear from Mr. Squeers presuming to contradict his mistress. Mrs. Squeers is as bad as Mr. Squeers because she does not care about the children apart from their own spoilt son-Master. Squeers. She is also involved with the scandal of running the school as a business. Lee introduces his friends Poppy, Jo, Vera and Spadge who are all in his class and seems like they are his only friends. He only ever mentions them therefore, we have an impression they are the closest ones he has. He does not like Vera and decides it would be funny to hit her over the head with a stick. He describes Poppy and Jo as the two blonde girls and Spadge the rebellious class bully. Spadge was the boy who decided to mock the teacher Crabby. B. another character was the sixteen year old assistant who Laurie liked very much the pretty, gracious lady. Laurie has friends but people who he can confide and communicate with a positive, friendly atmosphere. In Nicholas Nickleby, Nicholas has no one to talk to and tell his problems to, except Smike who he eventually speaks to because Nicholas feel sympathetic towards him asking you are shivering? N-o-o. the children do not have permission to talk to each other because the teacher is too strict with them.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Why Is Race A Big Issue :: essays research papers fc

Why is Race A Big Issue? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an incredible novel. It is hard to believe that people would protest against it, but they do. Mark Twain set his story twenty years before the Civil War, during the slave era. It is written just as everyone spoke at that time, using the word â€Å"nigger.† This book uses the word a lot, which has upset many African-Americans. I believe that the word can be obscene, but in this book it is not. It only shows the reality of that time. I consider this book to be one of the greatest books I have read. It is actually inspired by Twain’s own experiences living on the Mississippi River. Many people consider Twain to have been a racist. Although he uses the word â€Å"nigger,† it does not mean that he was racist. If people would look past the word and actually see the story, they would realize that he is writing of a white boy and a black man who run away and start a journey together. If Twain was such a racist, then why does the story have the white boy and black man together? People think that he is racist just because he uses the word, but in that time, that is how people spoke. In present time, we will not see a black slave working in a white person’s home; but we will hear the word in almost every rap song there is. Many people use the word, but they probably don’t know where or why the word became what it is now. The word started out as Negro in the north, during that time; but in the s outh, people put the southern dialect on the end and said â€Å"nigger.† I wish that people would look at this book as what it actually is, impressive. People cannot take into mind that â€Å"nigger† was a word used every day at that time. I do not think that Twain was trying to hurt anyone, instead, I think he was trying show that a black man was just as equal to a white man. I think that in the book, Huck shows a lot of respect for Jim, even though Jim is black. Also, Huck became very close to him. In my opinion, if a black person takes being called â€Å"nigger† so hard from someone of a different

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Itb Syndrome

My condition 3is called ITB syndrome Explanation: ITB syndrome stands for Iliotibial Band Syndrome. This is a common thigh injury generally associated with running. The band is crucial to stabilizing the knee during running. The irritation usually occurs over the outside of the knee joint, at the lateral epicondyle. The iliotibial band crosses bone and muscle at this point; between these structures is a bursa, which should facilitate a smooth, gliding motion. However, when inflamed, the iliotibial band does not glide easily, and pain associated with movement is the result. SymptomsITBS symptoms range from a stinging sensation just above the knee joint (on the outside of the knee or along the entire length of the iliotibial band) to swelling or thickening of the tissue at the point where the band moves over the femur. The pain may not occur immediately during activity, but may intensify over time, especially as the foot strikes the ground. Pain might persist after activity. Pain may a lso be present above and below the knee, where the ITB actually attaches to the tibia. Who does this commonly affect? Endurance athletes are prone to developing iliotibial band syndrome.Athletes who suddenly increase their level of activity, such as runners who increase their mileage, often develop iliotibial band syndrome. But other activities that can cause this are biking, hiking or weightlifting (especially when doing squats). Treatment The iliotibial band can be rested, iced and compressed to reduce pain and inflammation, followed by stretching. Using a foam roller to loosen the iliotibial band can help prevent and treat ITBS. A compression wrap to mobilize the ITB where the tendon meets the knee is also key to reduce the inflammation.Another pain reliever would be a cortisone injection into the area, which is usually helpful, and it can also be curative. But for the more severe and treatment-resistant cases may require surgery to mobilize the band. Prevention Rolling out your IT band will help prevent this. While this exercise using a foam roller will help to alleviate IT band pain, it also helps prevent problems from starting in the first place. It's painful, especially if you're already having IT band issues, but after a week or two of consistent rolling, you'll notice less pain. Also a lot of stretching can prevent ITB syndrome.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Home for Inspiration

There are lots of unrecognized genius writers, who experience writing block and think they might be in need of changing the scenery to get some inspiration, but cannot afford themselves any trips. There is also quite significant amount of homeless writers, as well as those, who have to rent their apartment. If you can relate yourself to one of these groups – turn your luck around, join an alternative writer’s residency program in Detroit and get yourself a house (and a home). Who Gives Free Houses Out? Back in 2012 urban activists and writers of Detroit gathered and realized that there are apparently not enough bohemians in their city. That is why it was decided to found a special organization, the name of which is now Write-A-House (WAH) and which uses vocational training to renovate old vacant houses and then grants them to low-income writers. What is WAH’s Goal? The members of Write-A-House organization confess that their movement has several missions. The first one is to provide youth with useful building and carpentry skills by offering them a vocational education. Secondly, WAH would like to renovate old Detroit houses. Thirdly, this organization is willing to make literary arts of Detroit more vivid by adding some fresh blood to writer’s community and providing newcomers with homes. The most sacred wish of the founders of Write-A-House organization is to build a literary colony in Detroit – but there are lots of steps, that need to be taken before reaching this goal. Charity, Miracle or Something Else? The main difference between WAH and typical writer’s residency program lies in actually giving all the houses away. Forever. That means – if a writer wins the right to get a house in Detroit he will never be made to leave it. By getting a place to live he gets himself a home. It surely doesn’t sound like anything real, but it is true anyways. People who do not believe in miracles (and there are more of them among low-income writers, than not) ought to be suspicious about this whole house-giving-away thing. But there comes another explanation: one of the goals of WAH community is to create safe neighborhoods. Writers may be eccentric, but they will surely make the neighborhood more interesting and less dangerous than most people who usually find their shelter in old, left by everyone else, houses. Anyways, getting yourself a free home in Detroit is definitely worth trying.